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Marad, Kazallu Ibni-szadum
a mu ib-ni-KUR-i lugal Year Ibni-szadu'i (became) king (BM 85339)
ba mu bad3 ka2-{d}iszkur ib-ni-sza-du-i ib-ni-... mu-na-du3 Year Ibni-szadu'i built the city wall of 'Ka-Iszkur / Gate of Adad' (FAOS 2 21 Aa)
bb mu bad3 ka2-id2-da ib-ni-KUR-i mu-na-dim2 Year Ibni-szadu'i built the city wall of 'Ka-idda / Pi-naratim' (BM 26328)
c mu us2-sa bad3 ka2-{d}iszkur ib-ni-sza-du-i ib-ni-... mu-na-du3 Year after the year Ibni-szadu'i built the city wall of Ka-Iszkur (FAOS 2 193 a, b)
da mu zag-u {d}nanna Year the branding iron of Nanna (BM 29329)
db mu zag-u {d}nanna ur2i{ki} mu-na-dim2 Year (Ibni-szadu'i) made the branding iron of Nanna in Ur FAOS 2 132
ea mu us2-sa zag-u {d}nanna ur2i{ki}-ma ib-ni-sza-du-u2 mu-un-dim2 Year after the year Ibni-szadu'i made the branding iron of Nanna in Ur Old Bab Texts Ashmolean 7 12
eb mu us2-sa zag-u {d}nanna Year after the year the branding iron of Nanna (BM 29329)
fa mu ib-ni-sza-du-um ba-an-dab5 Year Ibni-szadu'i seized (the fortress ehubba) (NBC 7342 case)
fb mu bad3 e2-hub2-ba{ki} mu-ni-nim Year the city wall of Ehubba ... (NBC 7342 tablet)
fc mu bad3 e2-hub2-ba{ki} ib-ni-sza-du-um ba-an-dab5 Year Ibni-szadu'i seized the fortress ehubba (BM 85336)