
by Lars Willighagen


Final results: see results

Metadata and data API

In this project, data is made usable outside of the visual interface. This process is guided by FAIR principles:

  1. Data is findable: - As linked data is used, unique IDs are necessary (A4) - Metadata is complete and well-described (A3, B3) - The API takes search queries just as the regular interface (A5)
  2. Data is accessible: - An API is setup for individual records, both metadata (A1, A2, B4) and when available data (A1)
  3. Data is interoperable: - Various formats will be supported (A1, A2, A6, B2), including forms of linked data
  4. Data is reusable: - License and data usage information is clearly documented (B3)

Objectives and Deliverables

Objectives are separated in two categories: essential and additional, listed in order of priority.

Essential Objectives

# Objectives Associated Deliverables Issue(s)
A1 Make CDLI framework API An API for artifact data and inscriptions #126
A2 Make publication metadata API An API for bibliographical data
A3 Convert database to new schema Richer data to be used for the APIs #202
A4 Define and document URIs for linked data i. URI schema for database fields ii. Documentation at those URIs
A5 Make CDLI framework search API An API for search results
A6 Use publication metadata API in journal system Journal system were references can be linked to the general database for display #229

Additional Objectives

# Objectives Associated Deliverables Issue(s)
B1 Make API for conversion services An API for conversion services related to inscription and/or metadata formats
B2 Add (linked) data to (artifact) pages Pages with Schema.org/Dublin Core annotations
B3 Document progress Technical documentation for API use, use of data, etc.
B4 Extend publication metadata API to journal system Journal system where citations of articles can be exported
B5 Make a SDK for the API An SDK to consume the new API (in R?)

Tentative timeline

Week Objectives Deliverables
1* Prepare non-PHP scripts Documentation on how to call external scripts from CakePHP
2* Setup Bibliography API Functional internal Bibliography API
3* Finish Bibliography API Functional Component and REST API
4* Prepare data for catalogue API Prepared ATF and CONLL files
5 Finish CDLI inscription API Functional API for inscriptions and annotations
6 Document LD schema Documentation and URIs for the schema of RDF, XML and JSON-LD files
7 Finish CDLI LD API Functional API for linked data (RDF and JSON-LD)
8 Finish links to journal system Two-way link between Bibliography API and journal system
9 Setup search API Functional search API for the catalogue
10 Annotate HTML pages HTML pages with microdata and metadata
11 Document APIs API documentation
12 Quality assurance and/or SDK Integration tests, simple SDK

* Mostly on weekends

API Week 1: Preparing non-PHP scripts

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 2: Setting up the Bibliography API

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 3: Making a functional Bibliography REST API

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 4

by Lars Willighagen

API: First Evaluation

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 5: Inscription REST API

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 6: Catch-Up and Data Documentation

by Lars Willighagen

API Week #7: Linked Data Exports

by Lars Willighagen

API Week #8: More Linked Data

by Lars Willighagen

API: Second Evaluation

by Lars Willighagen

API Week #9: Mapping Metadata to Museum Ontologies

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 10: Implementing Linked Data Mappings

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 11: API documentation

by Lars Willighagen

API Week 12: Finishing Up

by Lars Willighagen

API: Third Evaluation

by Lars Willighagen

API: Final Report

by Lars Willighagen