Design Integration and Accessibility Audit

by Mohit Sharma


Project Overview (Design Integration and Accessibility Audit)

Hi! everyone, My name is Mohit Sharma. I have joined CDLI as an Intern in year 2021. My project is Design Integration and Accessibility Audit. This project mainly focused on enhancing the Accessibility of website so that people with disabilities can have more interaction with website and can surf freely. To achieve this, the web pages are tested using screen reader and Axe DevTools and to continue this approach in future this project also provide accessibility tests using Pa11y-CI and Gitlab CI/CD that can be run in the pipelines and a bash script is written to run these tests locally. A proper documentation is provided so that developer’s can easily configure and run these tests and can check if their code follows WCAG guidelines before pushing the code to Gitlab. This project also aimed to Track non-javascript users using Google analytics and google tag manager, providing framework UI/UX support for Internet Explorer users and developed the new design for Add and Edit forms with advanced features.

Project : CDLI Framework My Contributions : Link

What Was Done

During these three months I have completed all the essential and additional objectives of the project which includes

# Objectives Pull Requests Status
1 Improving Web Accessibility !316, !365 Completed
2 Providing framework Support in Internet Explorer !285 Merged
3 Tracking Non Javascript Users !328 Merged
4 Automated Accessibility Tests !382, !381 Completed
5 Add and Edit Posting Forms !349 Merged
6 Add and Edit Staff Forms !336 Merged

Plans After Internship

My first Internship with CDLI was such an amazing and new experience for me and I get to learn alot during this journey. All the mentors and mentees are really nice and helpful at every point and now I can’t stop myself from contributing to CDLI in future :)

Objectives and Deliverables

:heavy_check_mark: –> Completed Tasks :white_check_mark: –> Ongoing Tasks

Essential Objectives

# Status Objectives Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 :heavy_check_mark: Web Accessibility Testing web pages using screen reader and Axe DevTool and improving web accessibility by following WCAG guidelines #500
2 :heavy_check_mark: Internet Explorer Support Improve Compatibility of framework in Internet Explorer for it’s users #500
3 :heavy_check_mark: Track No JS Users Tracking users visits with Javascript disabled in Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager #499
4 :heavy_check_mark: Accessibility Tests Setup Automated Accessibility tests in pipelines which can also be run locally #600, #164

Additional Objectives

# Status Objectives Associated Deliverables issue(s)
1 :heavy_check_mark: Posting Page Develop Add and Edit forms for Posting and Check for it’s Accessibility #464
2 :heavy_check_mark: Staff Page Develop Add and Edit forms for Staff page with Image upload feature for staff members #484


Week Status Objectives Deliverables
1 :heavy_check_mark: Accessibility Enhancement Testing of pages using screen reader and Axe DevTool and implement changes to improve accessibility
2 :heavy_check_mark: Internet Explorer Support Improve Compatibility of framework in Internet Explorer for it’s users
3 :heavy_check_mark: Track No JS Users Tracking users visits with Javascript disabled in Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager
4 :heavy_check_mark: Staff Page Develop Add and Edit forms for Staff page with image upload feature for staff members
5 :heavy_check_mark: Posting Page Develop Add and Edit forms for Posting and Check for it’s Accessibility
6 :heavy_check_mark: Web Accessibility - I Test accessibility of new implemented Admin Dashboard and Design Broken Artifact SVG for 404 error pages
7 :heavy_check_mark: Accessibility Tests - I Running Pa11y-CI in Docker container and configuring it with Chromium Browser (headless chrome)
8 :heavy_check_mark: Accessibility Tests - II Setting up Accessibility in pipelines and writing script to run accessibility tests locally
9 :heavy_check_mark: Web Accessibility - II Test accessibility of new implemented Single Artifact View Page, About Us Page, Resource Page and Tools Page
10 :heavy_check_mark: Testing and Documentation Testing and Documentation of Code, Add appropriate snippets/comments for upcoming contributors to join

Weekly Reports

Week 1

by Mohit Sharma

Week 2

by Mohit Sharma

Week 3

by Mohit Sharma

Week 4

by Mohit Sharma

Week 5

by Mohit Sharma

First Evaluation

by Mohit Sharma

Week 6

by Mohit Sharma

Week 7

by Mohit Sharma

Week 8

by Mohit Sharma

Week 9

by Mohit Sharma

Week 10

by Mohit Sharma

Second Evaluation

by Mohit Sharma